Help Me Lose Weight - I need to lose Weight Fast!

That's me before the I changed my habits and started on the new meal plan"I need to lose weight, help me lose weight." That's a cry for help in losing weight that I've heared many times...  Being overweight is not fun, but getting rid of the fat can be tough, if you don't know what to eat and how to eat healthy to get rid of your excess weight.

You are not alone, there are millions out there fighting with their excess weight. I remember being overweight, and I was really very desperate to find a solution to help me lose weight. It was a difficult path at first, but then, after a few attempts that failed miserably, I finally dropped the weight and I have managed to keep it off for years now.

You want to know how that was possible? Because the promises of the magic diet pill didn’t work, and the tough weight loss excercises nearly killed me, I had to lose the weight the old fashioned proven way.

I committed myself and made a clear decision and then stuck to it. I ate healthy and got off my (then fat) backside and exercised, but moderately and in such a way that it was fun being out and about and moving in the fresh air Under the sun and in the rain) and feeling how my body started to like it too. If I can do it, so can you!


Start with Healthy Eating Habits

We live in a time where most foods are processed. That means the entire population, adults, teens, even small children are getting heavier all the time, and we lose the ability to move easily and live a very static life. We use cars and elevators instead of our own feet and stairs, to just mention two examples.

The bad thing is, that when you are overweight, you run the risk of developing all sort of illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and a number of other ailments that can drastically reduce your quality of life and shorten your life span by many years.

I'm sure you heared it before, but please really, really get this into your mind:  processed foods are no good! Do yourself a favor and kick processed foods right out of your daily diet. Replace this no good 'food' with the much healthier, natural foods like i.e. fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, lean meats, poultry, beans, legumes, seeds and raw nuts.

OK, that is much easier said than done. So make a decision now, and then start step by step. It's likely not going to be possible to replace all processed food you've been eating within the next few days. Bad eating habits develop easily, but they can be quick difficult to kick. You'll need to make a conscious effort. So just start small and gradually change over to healtheir foods.

Why not start early in the morning, and instead of a sugary doughnut, eat a healthy bowl of oatmeal, with a tasty piece of nitrate/nitrite free bacon and add a fresh fruit or two!

If you need to eat out, why not skip every other restaurant meal and instead start preparing healthy snacks at home to take along for the lunch break. They will be lower in calories and taste great. You might even be able to combine these great tasting diet snacks with a short walk in the sun!

Whe you need to eat out, make healthy menu choices and go for lean meat of fish. Order a fresh and tasty salad instead of the usual french fries or chips. By making these small changes in your diet, and continuing to do so, you will have a totally changed meal plan over the period of a few weeks. A diet change is quite easy to pull through this way. Poor eating habits will disappear over time.


Get Moving and Start To See Results

... and that's me now, changing to a healthy eating plan and moderate exercise makes me feel much better!Now, eating healthy, and maybe less, is one thing, but burning off the fat does not happen all by itself. You need to move, baby!

By having eliminated the processed food and the junk food from your diet, you automatically have reduced the calories you put into your body, and your weight will slowly come down.

If you just watch the pounds drop without doing anything more, you will see that the process will slowly come to a halt and that your weight will stay the same after a few weeks. So, now it's the time to get the burning machine started and to literally set your metabolism on fire.

That sounds a lot more drastic than it acutally is. Even if you are desperate to lose weight, you don't need to start out on a marathon run. What is important, is that you gradually increase your activity. Go for a walk around the block, take a few steps instead of the elevator, jump up and down for a few minutes and increase this over time. The point is that you move more than you did before and that you slowly increase your activity over time.

By slowly increasing the physical activities you will become more fit, and moving will actually start to be fun. Just gradually increase your exercise routine to continue to watch these weight loss results continuing.


Your Commitement To Your New Healthy Eating Plan

OK, you've just been reading through this article and now maybe you think, there was not that much new information, everybody talks about healthy eating plans to lose weight and exercise to lose weight, so.....

There is one very important point about losing weight:

Your commitement to dropping excess weight.

I know it, and you know it too: Losing weight and then keeping the lost weight off is hard work. Unless you work on your mindset and decide on some serious lifestyle changes, things might not really work the way you expect them to.

Every time you read or hear about losing weight, you are told all about nutrition and exercise. You also need to be determined.  The weight does not usually drop off in a regular and steady way, there will be moments, when you are going to feel disappointed, maybe even discouraged, when you experience a setback. 

Having the right mindset will help you getting up and conintue. With the right committement you will simply brush these small steps backwards off, and continue on your path of successful weight loss. But if you are doubting, you might just give up and stay the old heavy self. We can help you overcome these humps and make your way to a healthier and lighter you:

Losing weight with the right nutrition and easy exercise can make you feel a lot healthier and produce great and lasting results. Watch this video to learn how The Diet Solution Program can help you lose the fat and keep it off for good. If this program could help me lose weight, you can do it, too!


Watch this Video: Foods to help lose weight - Click Now!










Help Me Lose Weight - I need to lose Weight Fast!


 Paleo Recipe Book